Tips to Keep Your Team Moving Forward Amidst the Chaos

2 min read


Originally posted: 3/23/2020

We don’t need to tell you things are hectic and uncertain right now with COVID-19, and you are probably even sick of hearing about it at this point. We have compiled some tips to help your sales team stay focused and to help navigate these unpredictable times.

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1. Establish a Dedicated Communication Tool
If your team is new to working remote, it is important to establish a dedicated communication tool across the organization.

2. Keep Activities Up-to-Date in Systems
Even with a dedicated communication tool, it may not be as easy to get in touch with a team member to ask questions about a customer or prospect. Keeping your CRM system or other project management tools up-to-date will keep everyone well-informed and in the loop. That way, if a team member is out, someone else can easily jump in on the project.

3. Don’t Panic, Keep on Selling
It’s easy to get caught up in the articles and hysteria of everything. Life will return to normal and people will still need the products and services that they were buying before the frenzy started. There may be delays and temporary closures, but places will eventually open back up. So while it is easy to read about the panic of no toilet paper, it is important to work with your customers to provide them with what they need when the timing makes sense.

4. Communicate Transparently with your Customers
Identify the concerns of your customers and let them know the steps that you are taking to ensure their safety, as well as providing consistent delivery of their products or services. If there are delays in delivery, timing, substitutions, etc., make sure your customers are informed.

5. Be Creative with Sales Presentations
Depending on your sales process, conversations might start with a discovery-type call, then move to an on-site meeting. Since on-site meetings may not feasible, find ways to still find value in your presentations without becoming repetitive. Use creativity to ensure both organizations find value in replacement presentations.